Minecraft Decimation Video Download and install Decimation These crates are usually filled with equipment essential to your survival, you can find :ĭon’t hesitate to search in the chests or shelves, you can also find interesting items. Without weapons and money, you won’t survive long! First of all, you should try to find “Military Crate”. In order to get your game off to a good start, you’ll need to find some equipment. However, if you have a little trouble with English, our guide will help you get started. The Decimation mod is not very complicated to get started, you are guided when you log in (an insert at the top left of the screen that you can skip with the K key). I was disconnected with the error “Modified Files” ! Why ?.My game shows me an “Out of Memory” error! Why does it happen ?.My game crashes when I join a server or a single player world! Why does this happen ?.My game crashes when I update Decimation ! Why does this happen ?.